do u

do u remember,
these days, when I was looking in the mirror,
and all I could see was my face lit by the screen of my notebook,
they were nights, when dreams were coming back to me,

nights, when everything was possible,
and real and unreal merged together
in one picture I can not forget

in one face,
which is burned on my eyelids now,
and even when I close my eyes
I still see that smile

I am not a machine,
and I can not just switch u off,

it's like today is last day of my life,
like I am dying,
and looking at myself from the ceiling of my room,

It was miracle, when u were in my life,
and I knew that
I knew that time stopped and went back,
back to the times which seems so far here for me,

times where I was so happy and safe,
times when I was kid,

Oh, I want to go there,
so much I want to go there,
back to these nights,

every second now for me,
it's just waiting for the death,
every day is just staring into the empty walls,