Swimming![]() Has anybody of u feeling like me, like u can not live without the water, without the sound of the sea, without the waving surface of the pool reflecting the light of the moon, It's me such a crazy guy, who can not live, without it, without the underwater world, it's my second home, and I feel so free there. I learned how to float on my back under the water and watch the sky above the surface, watch the lights of the night pool, and it's such a nice world, it makes me so much happy inside, when u swim under the water, across the whole pool, it's my dream to have a long blue pool, with many lights, and every night swim there, and every morning, whenever I feel it, I feel so close to the nature. I feel like I am part of that world, like I was born to swim, it's so natural, it's helping me a lot to escape from the latest technology which is everywhere around in this world. It makes me strong so much, u r alone there in the pool, only with your mind, which is clear, it's so clear when u swim, I feel like all the troubles are gone with the water, I think I am crazy :-) I am crazy about this feeling....
In swimming u can see how things changes when u keep going, when I started I just swam fast and without any thinking about the style or technique much, but now I slowly see, the style is the thing, which makes u swim, and my body is telling me this in the pool it speaks to me about all these things, and it's nice to read about it, from the other people, it's nice to read that my body and my feelings can show me the way, how to do things right